How to Learn Coding in 4 Months and Secure Your First Job

How to Learn Coding in 4 Months and Secure Your First Job

Master Coding in Just 4 Months: A Practical Guide to Landing Your First Tech Job

Apr 15, 2024ยท

2 min read

The thing is, learning how to code can be very frustrating. Most people start, and after a few days, they experience impostor syndrome, believing that learning to code is impossible.

How would I learn to code if I started again? What techniques did I follow back in the day?

Have a plan.

Knowing what to study is crucial. Before starting, I researched and decided to learn JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js to become a full-stack developer.

You'll need about 300-500 hours of project building and studying to be job-ready. The timing is flexible; for me, it was four focused hours daily, split between morning and afternoon sessions.

Starting with no coding knowledge, four hours of intense study can be exhausting. Also, don't hesitate to ask for help from developer friends.

Work for free.

After studying and creating simple projects, start seeking your first freelance client by offering your services for free. Check your phone contacts and reach out to potential clients who might need a website.

One of my initial projects was Axions, a course management app made with AWS, React, and Node.js. Initially, it took me about 300 hours to complete, a task I can now finish in 80-90 hours.

Apply on LinkedIn.

After you have something to showcase on your CV, you can start applying on LinkedIn. Back in the day, this was after six months of studying and working on projects for free.

I still remember that day vividly; after just a few hundred applications, I got an interview.


Finding your first job as a software engineer can be challenging. However, consistency is crucial. You need to reach the 300-500 hour benchmark to be prepared and create 1-2 free websites to have something to showcase on your CV.

So here is a list of the steps you should follow:

  1. Make a plan, find what you want to learn before even starting.

  2. Start by learning the fundamentals.

  3. Start creating small projects for yourself.

  4. Create a few free websites to get real-world experience.

  5. Start applying.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at, and I will respond.

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