Experience Divine Love Through Praying - How to Pray As A Beginner

Experience Divine Love Through Praying - How to Pray As A Beginner

Humans use weapons to fight wars; this is pretty straightforward. But how can you solve day-to-day problems or spiritual problems that do not have a direct solution?

As humans, God gave us two weapons that can solve 99% of problems. Everybody has heard of praying, but how does God truly want us to pray?

Orthodoxy has been teaching us these lessons for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years now. You can even test them yourself and see that they are truly remarkable gifts that God gave us.

Some facts about praying

Most people have tried praying in the past. But you don't actually feel anything; you just do it because they told you to. Practicing praying the correct way will make you want to pray all the time because you will feel the divine love of God.

At higher levels of praying, you will also feel divine grace, but this comes after God's privilege and when you are ready. As a beginner, you can easily understand divine love.

Praying is not hard, and you only need one tool to start: praying beads. I recommend getting one with at least 50 beads.

Praying beads were not invented by humans; they were given to humans through an angel of God, so their power is truly remarkable. The best hours for praying are 4-5 am. But evening hours are also good when there is peace and quiet.

What to say.

You only say one thing when you pray: "Jesus Christ Have Mercy On Me," but I recommend saying it in Greek: "Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ Ελέησον με." On each bead, you say that until you finish the whole bead.

Don't go fast; I do around one bead a second.

In your first days, don't do a lot; start slow. As time passes, do more. Your goal is not to get bored but to say each bead from your heart. If you can do just one bead from your heart, do one. Keep in mind you need to keep your mind clear and not think of anything else; just focus on this phrase: "Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ Ελέησον με."

When finished

When finished with your bead, you can say what you want to Jesus. But first, you should start by asking for forgiveness for your sins, then thanking Him for what He has done for you.

If you don't know what your sins are and what He has done for you, just say it.

"Lord, forgive me for the sins I know I have committed and the ones I don't know. Thank you for the things you've done for me, both the ones I know and the ones I don't know."

After that, you can say whatever you like, but I recommend starting by asking for wisdom.

"Lord, Jesus Christ, help me find who I am and give me wisdom. Show me the path I need to walk because I am lost."

Trust me on that. You are lost but you don't know it yet. So ask Him to show you the path to walk. Then talk to Him as a friend because He is your friend and tell Him your problems.

Jesus is not some imaginary figure; He might be sitting right next to you when you pray, and you might not even know it.


To finish this off, we need to know that praying is not something where you just sit still, feel nothing, and ask God for things that might or might not happen.

If you do your prayers the correct way, they will be answered really fast. Fast can mean the next minute, and yes, that has happened to me—prayers answered just after I finished praying or after a few months, depending on the request.

God, if what you ask is for your own good, will give it to you; if not, He will not. Don't ask for money and don't ask for physical goods.

The prayer "Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ Ελέησον με." is the personal phone number of God, and each time you say it, you ring God's phone. There are other things you can do to help your prayers because sometimes, if you do not get an answer, it might be normal because you are doing something wrong.

Thanks for reading, and for any questions you might have, you can email me here or DM me on X (Twitter) @sotergreco.